Map - Schänis

Schänis is a municipality in the Wahlkreis (constituency) of See-Gaster in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland.

Schänis is first mentioned in 972 as Schennines. Until 1798 it was the capital of the Herrschaft of Gaster and until 1831 it was the capital of the District. In the War of the Second Coalition, part of the French Revolutionary Wars, it was the site of several battles between the Habsburg forces and the French Revolutionary Army: in particular, the first and second battles of Zurich and the Battle of Winterthur were fought there, or nearby. It was considered part of territory necessary to hold if the Coalition forces were to secure the Swiss Cantons. On the morning of 25 September, prior to the second Battle of Zurich, Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze and his chief of staff were killed there while conducted a reconnaissance ride near the village of Schänis, on the Linth river by a party French scouts from the 25th Demi-brigade. Initially, Hotze was taken from the battlefield to the church in Schänis, where he was buried. In 1851, his body was moved to Bregenz and established in a monument there.

Map - Schänis
Google Earth - Map - Schänis
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Schänis
Map - Schänis - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Schänis - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Schänis - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Schänis - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Schänis - OpenTopoMap
Map - Schänis - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Schänis - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Schänis - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Schänis - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Schänis - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Switzerland
Flag of Switzerland
Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the confluence of Western, Central and Southern Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

Switzerland is geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps and the Jura; the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, whereas the Swiss population of approximately 8.7 million is concentrated mostly on the plateau, where the largest cities and economic centres are located, including Zürich, Geneva and Basel.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
CHF Swiss franc Fr 2
CHE WIR Bank 2
CHW WIR Bank 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  France 
  •  Germany 
  •  Italy 
  •  Liechtenstein